Monday, April 24, 2023

Noirsville Bonus - Noir Quotes Worth Reading

Kill Me Again (1989)

“Here’s what film noir is to me. It’s a righteous, generically American film movement that went from 1945 to 1958 and exposited one great theme and that theme is… you’re fucked. You have just met a woman, you are inches away from the greatest sex of your life but within six weeks of meeting the woman you will be framed for a crime you did not commit and you’ll end up in the gas chamber and as they strap you in and you’re about to breath the cyanide fumes you’ll be grateful for the few weeks you had with her and grateful for your own death.” 

(— James Ellroy)

Out Of The Past (1947)

"Noir is suffering in style."

(--- Eddie Muller)

They Made me a Fugitive (AKA I Became a Criminal) (1947)

"Film Noir has a mood that everyone can feel. It's people at night in trouble, with a little bit of wind and the right kind of music"

(----David Lynch)

Blue Velvet (1986)

"One difference between film noir and more straightforward crime pictures is that noir is more open to human flaws and likes to embed them in twisty plot lines."

(---- Roger Ebert)

Blast Of Silence (1961)

“Because noir isn’t really a new thing at all. It’s just a fairy tale with guns. Your hardscrabble detective is nothing more than a noble knight with a cigarette and a disease where his heart should be. He talks prettier, that’s all. He’s no less idealistic—there’re good women and bad women, good jobs and bad jobs. Justice and truth are always worth seeking. He pulls his fedora down like the visor on a suit of armour. He serves his lord faithfully whether he wants to or not. And he is in thrall to the idea of a woman. It’s just that in detective stories, women are usually dead before the curtain goes up. In fairy tales, they’re usually alive.”

(― Catherynne M. Valente, Radiance)

Siesta (1987)

"NOIR is that its a Style comprised of a Prototropically stimulated trans-genera Dark Story with enough of those two elements to tip or tune a Film Noir for you the viewer. - You know it when you see it"

(----- Noirsville)

The Wrong Man - (1993) 

“In Greek tragedy, they fall from great heights. In noir, they fall from the curb.”

(― Dennis Lehane)

The Girls Of F Street (1966) discussed in My Gun Is Quick (1957)

"Style is Essential to Film-Noir. It's Best when Wrapped up in Surreal Flourishes that give the Sense of a World Off Its Axis, Out of its Orbit, and destined for Oblivion. Cynical Characters and Snappy Patter also work to Make the Noir World Accessible to Outsiders Peeking in on the Doomed Characters." 

(-----Leon Louis Ricci)

The Dark Corner (1946)

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