Monday, March 18, 2019

Noirsville Tune Of The Week

Paolo Conte is an Italian singer, pianist, composer, and lawyer notable for his grainy, resonant voice. His compositions are evocative of Italian and Mediterranean sounds, as well as of jazz music and South American atmospheres. His performing career began as a vibraphone player in local jazz bands. He began songwriting with his brother Giorgio Conte, and eventually began writing songs of his own. He gained attention during the late 1960s as the creative force behind hits from Adriano Celentano and Patty Pravo. He began his solo career in 1974.

Questions for us all...
"How do you want me, what do you give me, where do you take me?"  

Come mi vuoi?
(Italian - English)

Come mi vuoi...  -  How do you want me ...
Cosa mi dai...     -  What do you give me...
Dove mi porti tu? - Where are you taking me?
Mi piacerai... - I will like you ...
Mi capirai...  - You will understand me ...
Sai come prendermi? - Do you know how to take me?

Dammi un sandwich e un po' d'indecenza - Give me a sandwich and be a little indiscreet
E una musica turca anche lei  - And a Turkish* music too 
Metti forte che riempia la stanza  - turn it up loud so that it fills up the room
D'incantesimi e di spari e petardi - with spells and shots and firecrackers
Eh... come mi vuoi? - Eh ... how do you want me?
...che si senta anche il pullman perduto - that you feel the lost chance too
Una volta lontano da qui - Once it's away from here
E l'odore di spezie che ha il buio - And  a smell of spices
Con noi due dentro al buio abbracciati - With us two embraced in the darkness
Eh... come mi vuoi? - Eh ... how do you want me?

*Turk it is used in italian in many phrases to mean outrageous, (to do turk things, to swear like a turk, to smoke like a turk) 

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