Tuesday, June 4, 2024

El cuerpo aka The Body (2012) Excellent Spanish Neo Noir

Directed by Oriol Paulo (The Invisible Guest)

Written by Oriol Paulo and Lara Sendim. Cinematography by Oscar Faura, Music by Sergio Moure de Oteyza. 

The film stars José Coronado (No Rest for the Wicked) as Jaime Peña, Belén Rueda (The Sea Inside) as Mayka Villaverde Freire, Hugo Silva as Alejandro "Álex" Ulloa Marcos, Aura Garrido as Carla Miller / Eva Peña, Juan Pablo Shuk as Pablo, Cristina Plazas as Silvia Tapia, Oriol Vila [es] as Mateos, Nausicaa Bonnín as Mateos. Montse Guallar.

The Story

Rain Storm - somewhere in Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain. 

Ángel Torres a night watchman at the morgue, is running with a flashlight through the woods of the grounds. He's hit by a car as he suddenly emerges from the trees onto a highway. Inspector Jamie Peña  is called in, in the middle of the night to investigate.

José Coronado as Jaime Peña

He visits hospital to check on Torres who he finds is in a coma.

As Peña's investigations proceed it is discovered from viewing security camera footage and checking records that the body of a woman Mayka Villaverde has disappeared. 

Mayka was a wealthy business woman who runs a pharmaceutical company. She was married to much younger Alex Ulloa. She had a heart attack after returning from a business trip abroad. Alex is with his mistress Carla when he hears the news about the disappearance of his wife's body. The police want him down at the morgue Carla panics wondering if Mayka is not dead. Alex tells Carla that he is sure. 

Belén Rueda as Mayka Villaverde 

 Alex is with his mistress Carla when he hears the news over the phone about the disappearance of his wife's body. The police want him down at the morgue Carla panics wondering if Mayka is not dead. Alex tells Carla that he is sure. 

Hugo Silva "Álex" Ulloa Marcos

Aura Garrido as Carla Miller / Eva Peña

Are you sure?

Alex at the morgue gives the coroner details of his wife's medical history. Perla suspects somebody stole the body to prevent an autopsy. The person who will most benefit from Mayka's death is Alex who will inherit everything. 

Alex talks of his wife in the past tense and personally, Perla who lost his own wife ten years ago, still speaks of her in the present. He knows something is off. 

Perla is asked by his men to come and look at something they found. Perla tells Alex that he's not through with him and tells him to wait in the coroners office while he goes to see. 

A loud bang heard, leads Alex to the file room. A broken open locker finds his wife's effects in a box. There's a small bottle TH-16. 

Here starts a flashback. Mayka comes home from a trip abroad. While Mayka is taking a bath, Alex is dripping TH-16 into her glass of wine. 


The flashback ends when Perla comes into the file room Alex pockets the TH-16. Perla informs Alex that his wife's phone is gone, and when he sees the open box of her effects he searches Alex and finds the TH-16. Alex claims he found it on the floor. 

It goes Noirsville. 


Oriol Paulo crafted a fine Neo Noir with excellent performances by a cast, none of which I've ever seen, with an intriguing storyline and some beautiful Noir Stylistics.  10/10

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