Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Noirsville Film Noir short of the Month

A "Transitional Noir VÉRITÉ" - enjoy

 Crystal Room New York 1966 

by - withinfilm

A walk through the famous Crystal Room.  The waitress were arrested and fined for indecent exposure.  You can tell by the photographers this is around that time.


First Topless Waitresses In NY Are Jailed

NEW YORK (UPI) Two of New York’s first topless waitresses were jailed on indecent exposure charges today. Police confiscated their “pasties” the tiny bits of sequined cloth used to cover their bosoms as evidence. The war over the city’s first fling at toplessness seemed far from over, however. “In about three weeks, we’re going to take off the pasties,” vowed the operator of the Crystal Room, the small cabaret that has been jammed to capacity since its waitresses bared their chests a week ago. The arrests were made just four hours after the city amended its cabaret law to say “no waitress, barmaid or any other person . . . shall be permitted to appear . . . with breasts or lower part of the torso uncovered or so thinly covered or draped as to appear uncovered.” The two girls, however, were arrested under existing law which forbids indecent exposure. Shortly after Ruby Diamond, 28, and Florence (Sophie) Mayer 27, started waiting on tables Monday night, two plainclothes policewomen approached from the bar and shouted over the din of the jazz combo: "You’re under arrest.” The girls were escorted to the rear, where their half-dollar-sized pasties were confiscated. They changed into street clothes and made their way through the smoky club. A wild cheer went up from the patrons.

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