Thursday, May 16, 2024

Noirsville Noir Images of the Week

Soho by Night - Bips

Copacabana - NY Daily News

Chicago Subway? - Unknown

Brooklyn - Unknown

Times Square - NYC - Unknown

Grauman's Chinese Theatre - Hollywood


Chestnuts - Unknown

The Gold Coast - Chicago - Milton Halberstadt, Photographer

New York City Archive 


New York City Archive 

David Battel

New York City Archive 

Vilma (center) with fellow Clifton's Cafeteria Camera Girls - Vilma Caldwell


Canal Street Station - Stanley Kubrick

Signal Hill, Los Angeles - Life

WeeGee and model

Lovers - Brassai 

New York City Archive 


New York City Archive 

Lloyd Sandgren

New York City Archive 

Bettie Page - Camera Club shoot

Dino, Sammy, and Frank

NYC Getty Images

New York City Archive 

Jean Depara 

Chicago Orange Garden Restaurant - Unknown

Frank Oscar Larson

Chicago 1950s - Unknown

Vivian Maier - Street Photographer

New York City Archive 

Lena Horne

Pratt Street, and the long Dock  - Arbury Bodine

Diane Arbus

Movie Star Photos - Irving Klaw 

Camera Club Girl? How Noir of Her - Unknown

Times Square - New York City

Kamera Club Girl - How Noir of Her - Unknown

Photographer - Unknown

Camera Club Girl? How Noir of Her - Unknown


Chestnuts - Unknown

The dancers of the Nell Gwynn Strip Club in Soho having a cup of tea between dances, 1959. - AP

New York City Archives

New York City Archives

Camera Club Girl? How Noir of Her - Unknown

New York City Archives

Photographer Frank Larson

Mexico City - Unknown

Bettie Page - How Noir Of Her? - Charles West

New York City Archives

New York City Archives

Louis Faure

A Quartet of  Camera Club Girls showing off their assets? How Noir of Them? - Unknown

New York City Archives

New York City Archives

New York City - Unknown

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